Essential Verbs 5
Prerequisite: Reflexive Pronouns
abrazar | hug |
amar | love |
besar | kiss |
caber [yo quepo] | fit |
cambiar | change |
conseguir [e->i, yo consigo] | get (obtain, achieve) |
cortar | cut |
crear | create |
cuidar | take care of |
dejar | leave (a thing) |
dejar (+ de+ infinitive) | to stop, quit |
describir | describe |
despedir [e->i] | fire |
despedir + refl. (de) | say goodbye (to) |
discutir | argue, challenge (contradict), discuss |
gastar | spend |
intentar + infinitive | try (an action) |
invitar | invite (and pay) |
matar | kill |
ocurrir | occur, happen |
pasear | take a walk, go for a ride |
preparar | prepare |
probar [o->ue] | try (food) |
probar + refl. | try on |
romper | break |
sentir [e->ie] | feel |
sorprender | surprise |
suponer [yo supongo] | suppose |
Tutorial: Essential Verbs 5
1. Click anywhere on the card to see the answer.
2. If you know the answer, click “Got it!”. The word won´t come back.
3. If you don´t know the answer, click “Need more practice”. The word will come back.
[q]to hug
[q]to love
[q]to kiss
[q]to fit
[a]caber (irregular yo -> quepo)
[q]to change
[q]to get (obtain, achieve)
[a]conseguir (spelling change -> consigo, e->i)
[q]to cut
[q]to take care of
[q]to create
[q]to leave (a thing)
[q]to describe
[q]to fire
[q]to say goodbye
[a]despedir + reflexive pronoun
[q]to argue, challenge (contradict), discuss
[q]to spend
[q]to try an action
[a]intentar + infinitive
[q]to invite (and pay)
[q]to kill
[q]to occur, happen
[q]to take a walk, go for a ride
[q]to prepare
[q]to try (food)
[q]to try on
[a]probar + reflexive pronoun
[q]to break
[q]to feel
[a]sentir (e->ie)
[q]to surprise
[q]to suppose
[a]suponer (irregular yo -> supongo)