Reflexive Pronouns

PrerequisitePresent Indicative

Overview: Reflexive Pronouns

subject pronoun reflexive pronoun
yo me
usted, él, ella se
nosotros nos
vosotros os
ustedes, ellos, ellas se
yo me baño
te bañas
usted, él, ella se baña
nosotros nos bañamos
vosotros os bañáis
ustedes, ellos, ellas se bañan


1. subject = object

e.g. Te ves. = You see yourself.
e.g. Pablo se canta. = Pablo sings to himself.
e.g. Te escondes. = You hide.

2. reciprocal action

e.g. Nos amamos. = We love each other.

3. becoming a certain way

e.g. Me enojo. = I get angry.

4. something happened on its own

e.g. La puerta se abre. = The door opens.

5. idiomatic

e.g. Me quejo. = I complain

Overview: Placement

1. With one conjugated verb –> before the verb

e.g. Se baña.

2. If the verb form has infinitive/gerund –>before the conjugated verb or added to the infinitive/gerund. Add accent if emphasis falls on third-to-last syllable.

e.g. Se va a bañar. / Se está bañando.

e.g. Va a bañarse. / Está bañándose.

3. Just an infinitive/gerund –> add to the infinitive/gerund.

e.g. bañarse, bañándose

4. Affirmative command –> add to command. Negative command –> before

e.g. Báñese.

e.g. No se bañe.

Tutorial: Reflexive Pronouns, Introduction

Tutorial: Reflexive Pronouns, Uses 1

Tutorial: Why don´t we say my teeth or my shirt?

A Few Verbs Commonly Used with Reflexive Pronouns

duchar to shower
duchar + refl. to take a shower
esconder to hide
levantar to lift
levantar + refl. to get up
preparar to prepare
relajar to relax
cepillar (los dientes, el pelo) to brush (teeth, hair)
vestir to dress
vestir + refl. to get dressed
poner la ropa to dress, to put clothes on
poner la ropa + ref. to get dressed
acostar to lay down
acostar + refl. to lay down, go to bed
divertir to entertain
divertir + refl. to have fun
quitar to take away, take off
quitar la ropa + refl. to take off your clothes, get undressed
quitar los zapatos + refl. to take your shoes off

Practice Quiz: Reflexive Pronouns, Use 1

Reflexive Pronouns, Uses 1

Translate the sentences to Spanish. Do not use the phrases “a mí mismo” or “el uno al otro”.

Tutorial: Reflexive Pronouns, Uses 2

A Few More Verbs Commonly Used with Reflexive Pronouns

dormir to sleep
dormir + refl. to fall asleep
frustrar to frustrate
cansar to tire
enojar to anger
romper to break

Practice Quiz: Reflexive Pronouns, Uses 2

Reflexive Pronouns, Uses 2

Translate the sentences to English.

Tutorial: What Is A Reflexive Verb and How Do I Conjugate It?

Practice Quiz: Conjugating Reflexive Verbs

Conjugating "Reflexive Verbs"

Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the present indicative.

Tutorial: Reflexive Pronouns, Placement