The Daily Routine
despertar [e->ie] | to wake up |
levantar | to lift |
levantar + refl. | to get up |
bañar | to bathe |
bañar + refl. | to take a bath |
duchar | to shower |
duchar + refl. | to take a shower |
secar | to dry (off) |
vestir | to dress |
vestir + refl. | to get dressed |
poner la ropa [yo pongo] | to put clothes on, get dressed |
cepillar (los dientes, el pelo) | to brush (teeth, hair) |
peinar | to comb |
afeitar (las piernas) | to shave (legs) |
maquillar | to put on makeup |
poner el maquillaje | to put on makeup |
arreglar | to fix |
arreglar + refl. | to get ready, do (as in hair) |
quitar la ropa | to take clothes off, get undressed |
acostar [o->ue] | to lay down |
acostar + refl. | to go to bed |
dormir [o->ue] | to sleep |
dormir + refl. | to fall asleep |
soñar (con) [o->ue] | to dream (about) |
roncar | to snore |
Tutorial: The Daily Routine
1. Click anywhere on the card to see the answer.
2. If you know the answer, click “Got it!”. The word won´t come back.
3. If you don´t know the answer, click “Need more practice”. The word will come back.
[q]to wake up
[a]despertar (e->ie)
[q]to lift
[q]to get up
[a]levantar + reflexive
[q]to bathe
[q]to take a bath
[a]bañar + reflexive
[q]to shower
[q]to take a shower
[a]duchar + reflexive
[q]to dry off
[q]to dress
[a]vestir (e->i)
[q]to get dressed
[a]vestir + reflexive (e->i)
[q]to put clothes on, get dressed
[a]poner la ropa (irregular yo -> pongo)
[q]to brush
[q]to comb
[q]to shave
[q]to put on makeup
[a]maquillar, poner el maquillaje
[q]to fix
[q]to get ready, to do (as in hair)
[a]arreglar + reflexive
[q]to take clothes off, get undressed
[a]quitar la ropa
[q]to lay down
[a]acostar (o->ue)
[q]to go to bed
[a]acostar (o->ue) + reflexive
[q]to sleep
[a]dormir (o->ue)
[q]to fall asleep
[a]dormir + reflexive
[q]to dream
[a]soñar (o->ue)
[q]to snore