el dinero | money |
el efectivo | cash |
el billete | bill |
la moneda | coin, currency |
el dólar | dollar |
el centavo | cent |
el cheque | check |
cobrar | to cash |
la tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
la tarjeta bancaria | debit card |
el banco | bank |
el cajero automático | ATM |
la cuenta | account |
la cuenta de ahorros | savings account |
la cuenta corriente | checking account |
depositar | to deposit |
sacar | to withdraw, take out |
gastar | to spend |
ahorrar | to save [money, time] |
donar | to donate |
invertir [e -> ie] | to invest |
apostar [o -> ue] | to bet |
el interés | interest |
el préstamo | loan |
prestar | to loan |
pedir prestado | to borrow |
la hipoteca | mortgage |
el presupuesto | budget |
Tutorial: Money
1. Click anywhere on the card to see the answer.
2. If you know the answer, click “Got it!”. The word won´t come back.
3. If you don´t know the answer, click “Need more practice”. The word will come back.
[a]el dinero
[a]el efectivo
[a]el billete
[a]la moneda
[a]la moneda
[a]el dólar
[a]el centavo
[a]el cheque
[q]to cash
[q]credit card
[a]la tarjeta de crédito
[q]debit card
[a]la tarjeta bancaria
[a]el banco
[a]el cajero automático
[a]la cuenta
[q]savings account
[a]la cuenta de ahorros
[q]checking account
[a]la cuenta corriente
[q]to deposit
[q]to withdraw, take out
[q]to spend
[q]to save (as in money)
[q]to donate
[q]to invest
[q]to bet
[a]el interés
[a]el préstamo
[q]to loan
[q]to borrow
[a]pedir prestado
[a]la hipoteca
[a]el presupuesto