Impersonal Se, Passive Se, Accidental Se


Impersonal Se

  • se = uno
  • verb always in 3rd person singular
  • cannot be used with reflexive pronoun

Passive Se

  • conveys passive voice
  • verb agrees with subject
  • if subject has determinant, it can go before or after verb
  • if subject has no determinant, it can only go after verb

Accidental Se

  • can diminish intentionality, often does not
  • often translates to a new verb in English

Tutorial: The Impersonal Se and the Passive Se

Tutorial: The Accidental Se

Verbs commonly used with the accidental se

romper to break
Rompí el vaso.
I broke the glass.
to break
Se me rompió el vaso.
I broke the glass.
quemar to burn
Quemaste el pan.
You burned the bread.
to burn
Se te quemó el pan.
You burned the bread.
perder to lose
David perdió sus zapatos.
David lost his shoes.
 to lose
A David se le perdieron los zapatos.
David lost his shoes
caer to fall
Las llaves caen.
The keys fall.
to drop
Las llaves se me caen.
I drop the keys.
olvidar to forget
Olvidamos el examen.
We forgot the test.
to forget
El examen se nos olvidó.
We forgot the test.
quedar to remain
Quedan dos porciones.
Two portions are left.
to leave (unintentionally)
Se me quedó el libro en casa.
I left the book at home.
acabar to finish
Acabaste el examen.
You finished the exam.
to run out of
Se me acabó el tiempo.
I ran out of time.