Essential Verbs 7
aceptar | to accept |
chocar | to crash, collide |
considerar | to consider |
convertir [e->ie] | to turn into, to convert |
corregir [e->i] | to correct |
cumplir | to turn (age), to keep (word), to obey (law) |
descubrir | to discover |
dirigir [spelling change ->yo dirijo] | to run/manage, to direct |
disculpar + refl. pronoun | to apologize |
equivocar + refl. pron. | to be wrong |
escoger [spelling change ->yo escojo] | to choose |
esconder | to hide |
esperar | to hope, wait, expect |
existir | to exist |
faltar | to miss (be absent), to lack/not have enough |
gritar | to shout |
llevar | to carry, to take, to wear |
memorizar | to memorize |
partir | to leave/depart, to divide up |
proteger [spelling change -> yo protejo] | to protect |
recoger [spelling change -> yo recojo] | to pick up |
recomendar [e->ie] | to recommend |
regatear | to bargain |
resultar | to come of, to turn out |
separar | to separate |
Tutorial: Essential Verbs 7
1. Click anywhere on the card to see the answer.
2. If you know the answer, click “Got it!”. The word won´t come back.
3. If you don´t know the answer, click “Need more practice”. The word will come back.
[q]to accept
[q]to crash/collide
[q]to consider
[q]to turn into, to convert
[q]to correct
[q]to turn (age), to keep (word), to obey (law)
[a]to discover
[q]to run/manage, to direct
[q]to apologize
[a]disculpar + refl. pron.
[q]to be wrong
[a]equivocar + refl. pron.
[q]to choose
[q]to hide
[q]to hope, to wait, to expect
[q]to exist
[q]to miss (be absent), to lack/not have enough
[q]to shout
[q]to carry, to take, to wear
[q]to memorize
[q]to leave/depart, to divide up
[q]to protect
[q]to pick up
[q]to recommend
[q]to bargain
[q]to come of, to turn out
[q]to separate