Past Perfect Indicative

Prerequisite: Participle



Haber (in imperfect indicative) + participle

yo había bailado
habías bailado
usted, él, ella había bailado
nosotros habíamos bailado
vosotros habíais bailado
ustedes, ellos, ellas habían bailado


1. Same as English

e.g. Habías salido. = You had left.

2. Often with “ya”

e.g. Cuando llegaste, ya habíamos comido. = When you arrived, we had already eaten.

Tutorial: Past Perfect Indicative

Practice Quiz: Past Perfect Indicative, Conjugation

Past Perfect Indicative, Conjugation

Conjugate the given verb in the past perfect indicative.

Practice Quiz: Past Perfect Indicative, Use

Past Perfect Indicative, Use

Translate the sentence to Spanish by using the preterit and the past perfect indicative.