Health and Sickness

Overview: Health

la salud health
el bienestar well-being
sano healthy
saludable healthy
el hospital hospital
la clínica clinic
el consultorio doctor´s office
la sala de emergencias emergency room
la cita appointment
el/la médico/a doctor
el/la doctor(a) doctor
el/la enfermero/a nurse
el/la dentista dentist
el/la paciente patient
la prueba test, sample
la vacuna vaccination
la inyección injection
la temperatura temperature
pesar to weigh
el peso weight
la farmacia pharmacy
el/la farmaceútico/a pharmacist
la receta prescription
el medicamento medicine/medication
la pastilla pill
el antibiótico antibiotic
la curita band-aid
la crema cream
el ungüento ointment
las gotas drops
el jarabe syrup (medicinal)
cuidar to care for, take care

Overview: Sickness

la enfermedad sickness
enfermo sick
enfermar + refl. pron. to get sick
el malestar malaise
recuperar to recover
recuperar + refl. pron. to get better
el resfriado cold
resfriar + refl. pron. to catch a cold
la gripe flu
el virus virus
la lesión injury
lesionar + refl. pron. to get hurt/injured
la sangre blood
sangrar to bleed
la tos cough
toser to cough
congestionado congested
el dolor pain, ache
el dolor de cabeza head ache
doler [0->ue] to hurt/ache
mareado dizzy
las náuseas nausea
tener náuseas to be nauseous
la fiebre fever
la alergia allergy
el estornudo sneeze
estornudar to sneeze
la infección infection
los escalofríos chills
hinchado swollen
picar to itch
el sarpullido rash

Tutorial: Health

Flashcards: Health

1. Click anywhere on the card to see the answer.
2. If you know the answer, click “Got it!”. The word won´t come back.
3. If you don´t know the answer, click “Need more practice”. The word will come back.

[a]la salud
[a]el bienestar
[a]sano, saludable
[a]el hospital
[a]la clínica
[q]doctor´s office
[a]el consultorio
[q]emergency room
[a]la sala de emergencias
[a]la cita
[a]el/la médico/a, el/la doctor(a)
[a]el/la enfermero/a
[a]el/la dentista
[a]el/la paciente
[a]la prueba
[a]la prueba
[a]la vacuna
[a]la inyección
[a]la temperatura
[q]to weigh
[a]el peso
[a]la farmacia
[a]el/la farmaceútico/a
[a]la receta
[a]el medicamento
[a]la pastilla
[a]el antibiótico
[a]la curita
[a]la crema
[a]el ungüento
[a]las gotas
[q]syrup (medicinal)
[a]el jarabe
[q]to care for, take care

Practice Quiz: Health


Write the words and phrases in Spanish. Use a definite article with all individual nouns (e.g. el, la). For adjectives, use the masculine singular form.

Tutorial: Sickness

Flashcards: Sickness

1. Click anywhere on the card to see the answer.
2. If you know the answer, click “Got it!”. The word won´t come back.
3. If you don´t know the answer, click “Need more practice”. The word will come back.

[a]la enfermedad
[q]to get sick
[a]el malestar
[q]to recover/get better
[q]to catch a cold
[a]la gripe
[a]el virus
[a]la lesión
[q]to get hurt/injured
[a]la sangre
[q]to bleed
[a]la tos
[q]to cough
[q]pain, ache
[a]el dolor
[a]el dolor de cabeza
[q]to hurt/ache
[a]las náuseas
[a]tener náuseas
[a]la fiebre
[a]la alergia
[a]el estornudo
[q]to sneeze
[a]la infección
[a]los escalofríos
[q]to itch
[a]el sarpullido

Practice Quiz: Sickness


Write the words and phrases in Spanish. Use a definite article with all individual nouns (e.g. el, la). For adjectives, use the masculine singular form.

Flashcards: Health and Sickness

1. Click anywhere on the card to see the answer.
2. If you know the answer, click “Got it!”. The word won´t come back.
3. If you don´t know the answer, click “Need more practice”. The word will come back.

[a]la salud
[a]el bienestar
[a]sano, saludable
[a]el hospital
[a]la clínica
[q]doctor´s office
[a]el consultorio
[q]emergency room
[a]la sala de emergencias
[a]la cita
[a]el/la médico/a, el/la doctor(a)
[a]el/la enfermero/a
[a]el/la dentista
[a]el/la paciente
[a]la prueba
[a]la prueba
[a]la vacuna
[a]la inyección
[a]la temperatura
[q]to weigh
[a]el peso
[a]la farmacia
[a]el/la farmaceútico/a
[a]la receta
[a]el medicamento
[a]la pastilla
[a]el antibiótico
[a]la curita
[a]la crema
[a]el ungüento
[a]las gotas
[q]syrup (medicinal)
[a]el jarabe
[q]to care for, take care
[a]la enfermedad
[q]to get sick
[a]el malestar
[q]to recover/get better
[q]to catch a cold
[a]la gripe
[a]el virus
[a]la lesión
[q]to get hurt/injured
[a]la sangre
[q]to bleed
[a]la tos
[q]to cough
[q]pain, ache
[a]el dolor
[a]el dolor de cabeza
[q]to hurt/ache
[a]las náuseas
[a]tener náuseas
[a]la fiebre
[a]la alergia
[a]el estornudo
[q]to sneeze
[a]la infección
[a]los escalofríos
[q]to itch
[a]el sarpullido

Practice Quiz: Health and Sickness

Health and Sickness

Write the words and phrases in Spanish. Use a definite article with all individual nouns (e.g. el, la).