Essential Verbs 2

Prerequisite: Infinitive, Present Indicative Regular Verbs


These verbs all have irregular conjugation in the present indicative.

Totally Irregular O->UE
estar (be) dormir (sleep)
ir (go) morir (die)
ser (be) poder (be able/can)
volver (come back/return)
Irregular Yo
hacer (do, make) -> yo hago U->UE
poner (put/place) -> yo pongo jugar (play)
traer (bring) -> yo traigo
E->IE construir (build/construct)
entender (understand)
pensar (think) G -> J
perder (lose) escoger (choose)
querer (want)
E->I decir (say, tell) – yo digo, e->i
servir (serve) seguir (continue/keep on, follow) – sigo, e->i
pedir (ask for/order) tener (have) – yo tengo, e->ie
repetir (repeat) venir (come) – yo vengo, e->ie
Wild and Crazy
oír (hear) – oigo, oyes, oye, oímos, oís, oyen

Tutorial: Essential Verbs 2

Flashcards: Essential Verbs 2

1. Click anywhere on the card to see the answer.
2. If you know the answer, click “Got it!”. The word won´t come back.
3. If you don´t know the answer, click “Need more practice”. The word will come back.


[q]to build/construct

[a]construir (+Y)

[q]to say, tell

[a]decir (irregular yo -> digo, e->i)

[q]to sleep

[a]dormir (o->ue)

[q]to understand

[a]entender (e->ie)

[q]to choose

[a]escoger (spelling change -> escojo)

[q]to be

[a]ser (totally irregular), estar (totally irregular)

[q]to do, make

[a]hacer (irregular yo -> hago)

[q]to go

[a]ir (totally irregular)

[q]to play

[a]jugar (u->ue)

[q] to die

[a]morir (o->ue)

[q]to hear

[a]oír (wild and crazy)

[q]to ask for/order

[a]pedir (e->i)

[q]to think

[a]pensar (e->ie)

[q]to lose

[a]perder (e->ie)

[q]to be able to/can

[a]poder (o->ue)

[q]to put, place

[a]poner (irregular yo -> pongo)

[q]to want

[a]querer (e->ie)

[q]to repeat

[a]repetir (e->i)

[q]to continue/keep on, follow

[a]seguir (spelling change -> sigo, e->i)

[q]to serve

[a]servir (e->i)

[q]to have

[a]tener (irregular yo -> tengo, e->ie)

[q]to bring

[a]traer (irregular yo -> traigo)

[q]to come

[a]venir (irregular yo -> vengo, e->ie)

[q]to come back/return

[a]volver (o->ue)


Practice Quiz: Essential Verbs 2, Infinitives
Note: For more practice with conjugating these verbs, please go “Practice: 25 Essential Verbs 2” on the Present Indicative page.

Essential Verbs 2, Infinitives

Translate the infinitive to Spanish using the Essential Verbs 2 list.

Practice Quiz: Essential Verbs 2, Phrases
Note: For more practice with conjugating these verbs, please go “Practice: 25 Essential Verbs 2” on the Present Indicative page.

Essential Verbs 2, Phrases

Translate the phrases to Spanish using the Essential Verbs 2 list. You do not need to use subject pronouns (e.g. yo, ella, ustedes) in your answers.